Fighting Obesity: New Hopes From Brown Fat

If you want to lose weight, then you actually want more fat, not less. But you need the right kind: brown fat.

Results of the 5th Congress of Cardiologists of the Siberian Federal Region have been published (October 10-11, 2013 in Barnaul)

Results of the 5th Congress of Cardiologists of the Siberian Federal Region have been published (October 10-11, 2013 in Barnaul)

Uteroplacental Blood Flow, Cardiac Function and Pregnancy Outcome in Women with Congenital Heart Disease

Pregnant women with congenital heart disease (CHD) are susceptible to cardiovascular, obstetric and offspring complications. In women with CHD cardiac dysfunction may compromise uteroplacental flow and contribute to the increased incidence of obstetric and offspring events.

Five Risk Factors Can Guide Referrals to a HF Center,

To help general practitioners recognize when to refer severe heart failure (HF) patients to an advanced HF treatment center, researchers in Sweden have identified five risk factors.

ACE Inhibitor and Angiotensin Receptor-II Antagonist Prescribing and Hospital Admissions with Acute Kidney Injury: A Longitudinal Ecological Study

ACE Inhibitors (ACE-I) and Angiotensin-Receptor Antagonists (ARAs) are commonly prescribed but can cause acute kidney injury (AKI) during intercurrent illness.

Bilingualism delays age at onset of dementia, independent of education and immigration status

The purpose of the study was to determine the association between bilingualism and age at onset of dementia and its subtypes, taking into account potential confounding factors.

A Leadership Meeting between RSC and ESC

Further cooperation between Russian and European Societies of Cardiology were discussed during the Meeting.
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